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Verse for today's visit:

All of my life
In every season
You are still God
I have a reason to sing
I have a reason to worship
- Desert Song, Hillsong


Ruthie Jenn Kathleen Valerie Xi Xiang

EW Zone W411 N281 N282
N385 N386 E371 E427 W398

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We run to You together.

Sunday, March 30

=) My first Post!

Hey peeps, this is Ziyang here...

Easter and B-Olympics has just passed, and I would like to thank the many of you who have helped in one way or another... It might be real simple things like helping to buy stuff, book seats or talk to friends, but they are significant in God's eyes! You know why? Because, in this most important weekend where Jesus laid down His life for us because we were in His heart, He gets to see us serving Him in our own little ways from the bottom of our hearts!

Thank you everyone for contributing in your own ways =) Because you serve God sincerely and from the bottom of your heart, God gives you His double thumbs up!



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